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GitHub Tool

The GitHub Tool integration enables interaction with GitHub repositories through the GitHub CLI. This integration supports various GitHub operations, including creating issues, managing pull requests, and more.

Basic Configurations

Scope of Configuration

You can configure the GitHub integration for:

  • Global: Makes the integration available across all projects
  • Project-Specific: Limits the integration to a single project, allowing for customized settings

Personal Access Token

  • The tool requires a GitHub Personal Access Token for authentication
  • You can create a token directly from your GitHub account
  • To enhance security, you can store the token in a secrets.yaml file and reference it with $MY_SECRET_VARIABLE

Continue Setup

After choosing the scope and providing the token, proceed with the setup to finalize the integration.

Advanced Configuration


  • Use the Test button to verify if the GitHub integration is functioning correctly

Confirmation Rules

Define command patterns to control execution and safeguard critical operations:

Ask User

Commands requiring confirmation, examples:

  • gh * delete *: Prompts confirmation for delete operations
  • gh * close *: Prompts confirmation for closing issues or pull requests


Commands to block, example:

  • gh auth token *: Blocks authentication token commands for security

Token Management

  • If the token is stored as an environment variable, ensure it is referenced correctly
  • The system uses this token to authenticate GitHub operations without directly exposing it