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GitLab Tool

The GitLab Tool integration allows interaction with GitLab repositories using the GitLab CLI. This integration supports various GitLab operations, such as creating issues, managing merge requests, and more.

Basic Configurations

Glab Token

  • The tool requires a GitLab Personal Access Token for authentication
  • You can generate a token directly from your GitLab account
  • To enhance security, store the token in a secrets.yaml file and reference it with $MY_SECRET_VARIABLE


  • Use the Test button to verify if the GitLab integration is functioning correctly

Advanced Configuration

Glab Binary Path

  • Specifies the path to the GitLab CLI binary (glab)
  • Leave this field empty to use the default glab command if it is available in your system’s PATH
  • On Windows, if you experience issues, install glab via Chocolatey, Winget, or from the official GitLab website

Confirmation Rules

Define command patterns to control execution and safeguard critical operations:

Ask User

Commands requiring confirmation, example:

  • glab * delete *: Prompts confirmation for delete operations


Commands to block, example:

  • glab auth token *: Blocks authentication token commands for security